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Technology in both industrial, process and defence sectors has advanced at an exponential rate over the last three decades, which is set to increase at an increasing rate again over the next decade. Delkia work with some of the worlds leading technology providers to ensure that our clients have access to the latest advances in automation.


From industrial control systems using PLC and SCADA systems for process systems to fully autonomous control robotics using MBSE, Delkia are your trusted partner for systems development and automation solutions. Developing up to SIL 3 safety systems in software and hardware allows us to maximise our specialist functional safety expertise.

Using Delkia as your Systems Integration partner allows clients to have access to a trusted partner providing benefits of realised ROI quicker, increased production output, increased versatility, improved safety, lower operating cost with the functional safety assurance and machine safety required. Our expertise in process control, platform management, safety systems, remote and material handling allows us to exploit our multi-sector offering with the right assured technological solutions.




TEL: 01946 812288

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